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Keeping safe framework

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

Our Student Wellbeing support structure helps every young person at Gilston reach their full potential. Through our ‘Keeping Safe’ framework, we firmly maintain our responsibility to care for the young people in our care. Accordingly, the College continues to embed a culture of child safety within our organisation, which ensures that our college is a safe and happy place for learning and teaching.

As a part of our initiatives we teach the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS: CPC).

KS:CPC is an innovative child safe curriculum developed and implemented by the South Australian Department of Education over more than a decade. The curriculum has been endorsed by Adventist Schools Victoria for use our schools. Gilson College staff have all been trained in the use of KS: CPC by endorsed ASV trainers. The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum teaches all children from a young age, in an age appropriate way, to recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it. It helps them understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and outlines ways they can keep themselves safe.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum Overview

All children and young people have a right to:

  • Be treated with respect and to be protected from harm.
  • Feel and be safe in their interactions with adults and other children and young people.
  • Understand as early as possible what is meant by feeling and being safe.
  • Receive support in their education or care setting from those who are responsible for their safety and wellbeing.
Two themes (F-12):
  1. We all have the right to be safe.
  2. We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.
Four focus areas that increase in complexity as they age:
  1. The right to be safe
  2. Relationships
  3. Recognising and reporting abuse
  4. Protective strategies.