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Student Leadership

Gilson College

Student Leadership

Student leadership is a key part of our College investing in students to lead and give voice to our student cohort. We aim to develop leadership skills in students from Year 3 up to Year 12.

School Captains

School Captains and Vice Captains are chosen via a process of nominations, the nominees give a speech to the students and confidential votes take place. The Captains work as part of a wider leadership team to oversee spiritual, social and fundraising activities at the school.

Student Representative Council

Gilson College facilitates care for students’ well-being by supporting their needs and encouraging responsibility. The Student Representative Council (SRC) is one of the many facets Gilson College utilises to guide students in this journey.

The SRC is a committee consisting of a supporting teacher and individuals elected from each class from Year 8-11, with a male and female representative chosen from Year 7.

SRC members are mentored as leaders. Their role involves demonstrating a commitment to the school and its ethos, whilst practically expressing the school’s special character to better reach the needs of students. To do so, SRC members model correct school uniforms and behaviours, they act as a voice for the students and discuss and plan ways to do so appropriately.

Other practical ways they demonstrate their leadership is through: communication, school improvement, as well as supporting or creating functions, events and fundraisers.

House Captains

Each house elects its captains and vice captains at the start of the year. Having School Houses facilitates a sense of team spirit and unity among students. This is promoted through the efforts of House Captains and vice-captains who are elected by their houses. Their role involves planning and helping coordinate sporting events both at school and off campus. They are the students who organise and lead the others in their House to ensure that students are getting involved in activities and putting their best foot forward.

Young Leaders Day

Each Year 6 Captains and SRC attend Young Leaders Day to develop their leadership capacity and learn about the characteristics of effective leaders.

Peer Support and Buddies

Gilson College recognises that starting school can be a significant transition for students. One of the best ways to nurture a positive school environment is to foster opportunities for building community and support from fellow students who have made the transition.

Gilson College runs a Buddies Program for Foundation students and Year 6s. Foundation students are given a buddy from Year 6. The Year 6s will join the Foundation class once a week and complete various activities together.

As the Year 7s adjust to High School they are paired up with a Year 11 student who becomes a guide for support and encouragement. At the end of Year 10 and the beginning of Year 11, students are equipped for their leadership roles. Each Year 11 is then given a Year 7 student to help mentor them through their transition into high school. Once in Year 8, they have the opportunity to reciprocate this support to their Year 12 mentor.